
Summer Birthdays


Summer birthdays, a curse and a blessing at the same time. Well for my little guy its mostly a curse right now because we are either out of the country or his friends are all out of town and he can’t really have the big birthday bash that most of his friends have. I keep reminding him that when he’s older it will be really cool because he can celebrate in a different country every year if he wanted to; but that logic is lost with him. For me though, its great! i don’t have to plan a big bash, but i do try to make it special and he’s still young enough to think that spending time with me is good enough, until it all changes.

In my defense i have thrown him a Halloween party to make up from not having a birthday party, but those got really expensive and really out of control, besides its still hot as summer when its October in good old K-Town. So we opted for an end of year pool party which parents seemed to enjoy more than the kids; now we are back to having a few friends over for his birthday and this year he was promised a sleepover. Anyways, back to this year’s event.

He got to skip summer camp, which he wasn’t excited about, and i told him we were just going out for lunch and some bowling. so where would i take him to celebrate his birthday? my best friend recommended….wait for it

there were balloons waiting for us when we got there and he thought that was it. which was perfect, low expectations means easily surprised! so he got his birthday song he wore the cool balloon hat and his favorite, a chocolate cake!




The two stars of the day!







After a few hours of eating, singing happy birthday and embarrassing him, we moved on to bowling. needless to say he lost, but i’d like to think of it more like teaching him the art of losing gracefully. Hope this gives you an idea of what you could do for a birthday party. It was fun, and relaxed at the same time. Please share any ideas you have for quick birthdays so others can borrow them!