
Making Bread…..




If you know me, you know i love myself some bread. i mean who doesn’t love to bite into a crispy piece of bread covered with butter and jam every morning? Well, anyways point is, i love bread and i do like to bake as well so making bread was a win win for me.

My initial plan before arriving in London was to join a culinary course, for the summer, to get some tips on how to prepare some really cool meals. I was planning to keep myself busy by hosting dinners and preparing the meals myself. Yeah so that plan didn’t really work out, but i did find a bread making class at a bakery that my friend took me too in a hidden street in London, so i was in!

I signed up for a Sourdough class thinking, if i could master making that bread then i was set for life, i would never need to buy bread ever again! and the tight-wad in me started jumping in joy (weird how i’m tight on certain things but very generous with others). anyways long story short, i spent the day being taught by an amazing instructor and made so many different types of sourdough and loved every minute of it. Leaving that class i was all breaded out with the tastings and making my own pizza for lunch. All in all it was an amazing experience, now the challenge is to repeat that here in Kuwait…..fingers crossed. But have a look at what i made for lunch in class below!



My Lunch!